Assurity Life Insurance Company

2000 Q St.
PO Box 82533
NE 68501-2533

Assurity Life Insurance Company

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Assurity Life's Environmentally Friendly Initiatives

The Assurity Center is the first large office building in Lincoln, and among a small number in Nebraska, to receive Gold certification under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system by the U.S. Green Building Council. Numerous sustainable and innovative design elements, along with green materials, are incorporated:

-Extensive use of windows with exterior sunshading and interior lightshelves that reduce reliance on artificial lighting. High-performance windows and automated internal shades reduce heat gain.
-All site work performed in a responsible, sustainable way. A minimum of 75 percent of construction waste was diverted from the landfill.
-Emphasis on use of recycled-content and regionally available materials, including limestone from within 500 miles of Lincoln.
-Energy-efficient heating, cooling and electrical systems, including an innovative ice bank storage system which uses off-peak energy to provide air conditioning more efficiently and at lower cost. Under-floor HVAC distribution which allows associates to directly control the air flow within their work spaces.
-Low-flow, water-conserving plumbing for 33 percent water use savings over a typical office building.
-Green (living) roofs to reduce heating and cooling costs and provide stormwater benefits.
-An innovative approach to stormwater management using underground cisterns to store runoff for grounds irrigation; pervious paving surfaces and bioswales to reduce runoff and allow absorption of rainwater into the subsoil.
-Use of drought-tolerant native and naturalized plantings to minimize irrigation, reduce the impact of maintenance on the environment and create habitat in the city.
-Close proximity to a major public transit line and the convergence point of Lincoln’s trails system, allowing convenient access to alternative modes of transportation.

In addition to its facility, Assurity Life Insurance Company has many other green initiatives. A few include: a very active Sustainability Task Force, an extensive recycling program, a major paper-free work initiative, and preferred parking for environmentally friendly vehicles.

About Assurity

Assurity Life Insurance Company has a 123-year legacy of "helping people through difficult times." Assurity offers life, disability, critical illness and specialty health insurance, and annuities through its individual and worksite brokers in all states except N.Y.

(402) 476-6500


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Assurity Life Insurance Company

tillagd av Lincoln Nebraska



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