Cayuga Landscape

2712 North Triphammer Road
NY 14850

Cayuga Landscape

ParkEko-landskapsdesignAnsvarstagande företag


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Cayuga Landscape is one of the most complete garden and landscaping centers in the Finger Lakes Region of New York, having been there for 33 years. Their Garden Center, which occupies several acres, has one of the largest selections of perennials and shade trees in the region. Many of their Landscape Architects and Designers have trained at Cornell, and are familiar with the native flora and fauna. They can help you select the plants that will thrive near your home or work place, or give you advice on how to control invasive plants.
The garden center offers a wide selection of low-impact and organic or OMRI listed products that enrich your soil and help you solve pest and disease problems. Products that we carry include the following:
-Safers Insecticidal Soap- good for soft bodied insect control. OMRI listed.
-Sulphur Disease Control- helps combat fungal disease.
-Thuricide – controls caterpillar type insects biologically with a parasitic bacteria.
-Pyrethrins – Although often man-made the pyrethrin type incescticides are lower impact on the environment.
-Neem oil- Proven effective on mites, insects and fungus, a natural extract of the African Neem tree.
-Mite X- A natural miticide which uses Clove, Garlic and other disruptive oils.
-Diatomaceous Earth- Very effective against ants and other insects. Wears down an insects protective outer layer causing desiccation.
-Serenade Disease Control- OMRI listed fungicide that inhibits fungal cell growth by puncturing the cell membrane.

Cayuga Landscape Company embraces the tenets of sustainability: they buy local plants and materials whenever possible and thereby reduce fossil fuel usage and help support their local economy. They recycle nursery pots, plastic bottles, paper and cardboard. They compost plants and other biodegradables, and recently began communicating valuable information to their employees by e-mail and offered to set-up e-email accounts for those employees who had no accounts. The management also encourages employees to bike and carpool to-and-from work.

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