al Fiume Italian Riverside Restaurant

Crocodile River Reserve
Centurion West

al Fiume Italian Riverside Restaurant

Ekologisk/lokal mat


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al Fiume serves food that lives up to our definition of quality: the season's best, cooked with skill and passion and presented with a minimum of fuss.
al Fiume - Italian for 'at the river' - has all the ingredients for a great restaurant: a beautiful setting on a shady wooden deck on the banks of the Hennops River and a restaurateur with a passion for food, as well as the experience to ensure outstanding levels of service.
al Fiume is a restaurant for all seasons: long, lazy summer days on the wooden deck; bright spring days when the first signs of green are starting to appear on the trees overhanging the river; bracing winter days when you might want to work off your meal with a brisk walk over the bridge and cozy autumn days when you can sit snugly in the restaurant and watch the falling leaves floating down the river.
al Fiume was voted one of South Africa's Top 10 Romantic Restaurants by the prestigious Wine Magazine.Visiting this beautiful country restaurant close as part of your 2010 Soccer World Cup experience is a must.

071 862 9750


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