Glasgow Community Health Partnership

80-90 Kinfauns Drive
G15 7TS

Glasgow Community Health Partnership

Viktig organisation/byråFrivilliginsatsSjukhusHembygdsgård


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Get involved with the Glasgow Community Health Partnership's volunteering service in the North West Sector!

A wide range of opportunities are available, tailored both to the needs and aspirations of the volunteers and the demands of the service. Here's what volunteers had to say about the Community Health Partnership's volunteering service:

"I feel I am a completely different person now – back to what I used to be like. I am enjoying myself – even my kids have noticed a big difference in me, particularly my confidence"

"Volunteering is a big benefit to anybody’s mental and physical health, as it builds the individual’s confidence and gets them to be more social and feel part of the community. It is also a great opportunity to improve skills and knowledge and helps your CV to stand out if you are looking for employment."

This is a holistic and person centred service, which aims to build an individual’s capacity, generate opportunities to enhance skills and experience, and incorporate a volunteering role into client’s wider health, social and employability aspirations.

Volunteering Opportunities

A wide range of opportunities are available, tailored both to the needs and aspirations of the volunteers and the demands of the service. These include

* Supporting health information points
* Promoting health improvement services
* Admin support
* Selling fruits and vegetables in health centres
* Assisting in health events and programmes
* Evaluating patient experience

Volunteering opportunities are available at various locations across the North West of Glasgow including Drumchapel Health Centre, Partick Community Centre for Health, Maryhill Health Centre and Possilpark Health Centre.

Fore more information contact Sandra Duff, Volunteer Co-ordinator, using the contact details below.

0141 232 2106


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Glasgow Community Health Partnership

tillagd av KMackinnon



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