Scottish Waterways Trust

Scottish Waterways Trust

Viktig organisation/byråFrivilliginsatsGrön kil/NaturkorridorerFågel- och djurskådningVattentransporter


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Our volunteers make the canals what they are - great places for exploring, relaxing, learning and working.

From leading groups along the towpaths by boot and bike or sharing your skills and experiences to help a young person get on the path to work, to capturing some of the incredible stories of the waterways, there's a huge number of ways you can get involved.

Whatever your skills and experience and no matter how much time you can spare, you can help us make a real difference to people's lives - and have some fun in the process!

For more information or to get involved pleae contact our Volunteer Development Officer John - email: / mobile: 07799 493 393, and check out our volunteering page at for our events Calendar showing volunteer activities happening all over Scotland.

Scottish Waterways trust - What we do

From the water to the banks and beyond, we undertake innovative canal-based projects that create a brighter future for the people, communities and wildlife of Scotland.

We help young people gain the skills and confidence to find work; bring vibrancy, life and opportunities to some of the nation's most disadvantaged communities; encourage people to get active and improve their health and mental wellbeing; and safeguard anf improve the rich heritage and environments of Scotland's canals.

Since the Trust was established over a decade ago, we've raised and invested more that £10 million in hundreds of pioneering projects and inspired over 120,000 people to create a brighter future for themselves, their community and Scotland's waterways.

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Scottish Waterways Trust

tillagd av KMackinnon



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