The Whiteinch News

1 Northinch Court
G14 0UG

The Whiteinch News

Viktig organisation/byråFrivilliginsatsFristående media/Ekomedia


Ingen har röstat än

The Whiteinch News is run and written by a small group of volunteers. It’s for the community, by the community.

This passionate group of volunteers meet every Wednesday in the Whiteinch Centre from 6:30pm - 8:30pm to write, edit and produce a monthly newspaper – The Whiteinch News. The Whiteinch News offers the community a voice and informs the people of Whiteinch what is happening in the area. Every issue has exciting news, stories and debates. More importantly you are able to contribute as well.
If you have time on your hands and think you might wish to learn a bit about journalism, why don’t you join the group?
You don’t need prior knowledge; we have two fantastic journalists who will guide you through the wonderful journey of becoming a community journalist. You will have an opportunity to make known issues that affect us all and who knows, you might just start a new career.

Hard copies of the Whiteinch News can be picked up free from community centres and other local organisations around the Whiteinch area, and you can check out all the back issues of the Whiteinch News as well as the latest news and exclusives at their website:
Or check out their Twitter feed for more updates:


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The Whiteinch News

tillagd av KMackinnon



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