Inside Out Nutrition & Fitness

6555 Gateway Ave.
FL 34231

Inside Out Nutrition & Fitness

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Inside Out Nutrition & Fitness is a private, one-on-one fitness and nutrition-coaching studio. Owner/operator Kat Cosentino is certified as a corrective exercise specialist, personal trainer and sports nutritionist and also specializes in perimenopausal and postmenopausal fitness. Kat begins by assessing clients to determine their current versus desired level of fitness, weight-related goals, health risk (based on body composition, lifestyle, genetics, stress, etc.), corrective exercise requirements (injuries, chronic pain, biomechanical dysfunctions and/or postural imbalances) and nutrition-related issues/deficiencies. Based on her findings, she designs individualized training programs that allow clients to achieve their maximum potential in a safe and effective manner. Kat combines strength, flexibility, mobility, balance and cardiovascular training in her workouts and keeps clients motivated and challenged by making each session unique and fun.

For clients with pain, Kat looks at the body as a whole, integrated system and addresses the cause, not just the symptoms. Factors such as poor posture, lack of or improper movement, repetitive motion, stress and overuse have left our bodies out of balance and vulnerable to injuries and pain. Kat helps clients improve injuries, reduce pain and achieve optimal alignment and function so that they can enjoy a vibrant, active life. When appropriate, she coordinates with clients’ physicians and physical therapists to ensure consistency throughout the treatment process and works with clients post-rehab to continue improving mobility, strength and function.

Kat’s nutritional beliefs are founded in the notion that fitness starts on the inside with the consumption of health-promoting, disease-fighting foods and that nutrition is a vital part of any fitness program. She ascribes to a whole-foods, plant-centric (not necessarily vegetarian or vegan) approach that encourages eating real food, “from the ground, not from a lab.” She does not use, recommend or sell performance-enhancing supplements or any other such packaged products, but believes that the best food a body can get is fresh and wholesome - the way Mother Nature intended. Kat helps clients filter through the myriad of nutritional myths, misinformation and diet fads and empowers them to make healthier lifestyle choices by enjoying a variety of delicious, nutrient-rich foods. She guides them in setting realistic goals given their unique situation, readiness for change and level of commitment and develops an individualized nutrition plan that enables them to reach their goals through maintainable lifestyle changes - not strict, deprivation or crash dieting. Kat’s clients are both male and female and most range in age from late thirties to sixties.

As a green business partner, Inside Out Nutrition & Fitness is making a difference. The workout studio is involved with recycling programs and waste reduction measures. Clients are encouraged to use reusable water bottles, paper products are made from recycled materials and tote bags are used. Inside Out purchases used and repurposed exercise equipment when possible. They reuse exercise bands as bungee cords and donate used items to local charities, such as Goodwill. Additionally, the studio facility uses green cleaning measures and schedules clients appointments together to cut down on trips.

Inside Out Nutrition & Fitness became a Sarasota County Green Business Partner in 2014. The Green Business Partnership (GBP) encourages environmental stewardship in the commercial sector, and recognizes businesses that make an extra effort to operate in an environmentally responsible manner. This collaborative effort includes businesses, business organizations and local governments. The GBP was initiated through a grant awarded by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to Sarasota County. For more information about the Green Business Partnership visit:


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