Sarasota National Guard Armory

2890 Ringling Blvd.
FL 34237

Sarasota National Guard Armory

Grön byggnadAlternativt bränsle eller fordonEnergibesparingÅteranvändingÅtervinning


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The project consisted of a major renovation of about 24,000sf of an existing Army National Guard Armory in Sarasota, Florida. At the request of the Department of Military Affairs, an additional 2,000sf of office space was added to the South-West corner of the existing structure. The building frame was originally constructed in 1957 and underwent its only major renovation in 1986. The facility provides roughly 30 local National Guardsmen/women equipment storage, recruiting, personal training, educational training, and general administration offices. In addition, the building is also rented out to the local community for events such as awards ceremonies, dances, parties, and quinceaneras.

As a requirement of the Florida Army National Guard FARP (Florida Armory Revitalization Program), Sustainable Design was integral to project planning and was documented using USGC LEED-NC for New Construction and Major Renovations. To implement this approach, as well as meet the construction budget, the design team targeted project appropriate sustainable building strategies that would add little or no cost premium to the project as a best practice approach to sustainable design. The added value to the project from this approach is life-cycle cost savings, conservation of energy and natural resources, and improved occupant comfort with indoor air quality and the use of natural light.

Specific architectural strategies that were implemented were: re-use of the existing building shell and portions of the interior walls, new insulated windows and reflective roofing for energy savings, recycled content building materials, regional building materials, and low-VOC interior finishes and furniture.

The overall energy simulation represents a 35% savings over the ASHRAE 90.1 model. This is achieved through a combination of highly efficient lighting and HVAC system designs. The main lighting feature that contributes to this energy savings is the use of LED lighting fixtures in 100% of the interior and exterior building mounted lights. The lighting usage is further controlled using advanced dimming, task and scene controls all coordinated through one comprehensive automation system. The HVAC design utilized Variable Volume & Temperature (VVT) technology to take advantage of Florida's mild winters. Additionally, the HVAC system employs Demand Control Ventilation to ensure that delivers the proper amount of ventilation to a space based on the occupant load. The plumbing system utilizes low flow fixtures to achieve a 33% reduction in water usage compared to the baseline.


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