3021 44th Street
FL 34240


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Wholylocal is an online marketplace supporting lifestyles of health and sustainability. Our mission is to promote local businesses committed to lifestyles of health and sustainability. Finding local, healthy, sustainable merchants is easy with Wholylocal. Search our website to be instantly connected with locally-owned businesses in your community. For local merchants, our directory works as a powerful tool for attracting more clients.

As a green business partner, Wholylocal is committed to protecting the environment. Recycling paper, plastics and food are part of their waste reduction programs. They have set up an internal program to reuse office supplies, packaging or other reusable items, requested to be removed from unwanted mailing lists, and have designed an electronically based office operation. Water conservation measures include drip irrigation and using of Florida native plants. By completing an energy audit, Wholylocal has plans of continuing their energy reduction measures. As an organization, Wholylocal is committed to the health and wellness. They focus on healthy food, exercise and spirituality. Owner Sue even attended a small farmer’s class to learn more about growing your own food.

Wholylocal became a Sarasota County Green Business Partner in 2014. The Green Business Partnership (GBP) encourages environmental stewardship in the commercial sector, and recognizes businesses that make an extra effort to operate in an environmentally responsible manner. This collaborative effort includes businesses, business organizations and local governments. The GBP was initiated through a grant awarded by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to Sarasota County. For more information about the Green Business Partnership visit: www.scgov.net/greenbusiness


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