Memorial Park

Memorial Park

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in 1917 a municipal board was established to remedy Sudbury's lack of parkland. The boards first act was to acquire a 4 acre parcel from the CPR that would become Memorial Park, now the site of numerous community festivals and events.

The War Cenotaph and Wall Constructed in 1957 in memory of the 575 citizens of Sudbury and area who paid the supreme sacrifice in the First and Second World Wars and Korea. The official unveiling and dedication took place November 10, 1957. The first wreaths were laid by the Honorable Randolph Pearkes, Minister of National Defence, and Mrs. F.C. Lane, a Silver Cross Mother who lost two sons in World War II.

When plans were started for a new Cenotaph in Memorial Park, the area around the site was redesigned and landscaped as a project of the Sudbury Lions Club and the City of Sudbury. The Cenotaph was constructed by Branch 76, Royal Canadian Legion, at a cost of $16,000. It is made of granite, stands 19 feet tall, weighs 50 tons, and rests on a two-foot-thick, 18 feet square base.

A poem composed by poet Laureate Rudyard Kipling for Branch 76, Royal Canadian Legion in 1928 is inscribed on the monument. It reads:
"We giving all, gained all; neither lament us nor praise,
Only in all things recall, it is fear, not death that slays."

Remembrance Day ceremonies were held at this Cenotaph every year until 1985. Since then, services are held in the Sudbury Arena but wreaths are placed on the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day and throughout the year.

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