140-142 Second Avenue, Block #450, Lot #6

140 Second Avenue
New York
NY 10003

140-142 Second Avenue, Block #450, Lot #6

Historisk platsLokalt företag


Ingen har röstat än

Current Use: Residential and Commercial 5 story building

- Used to be the German Branch Y.M.C.A., which was organized in 1881.
- In the early 1910s, this building was the Stuyvesant Casino, one of the focal points for for criminal life on the Lower East Side. It was during a party on December 2, 1911 that the neighborhood's most feared mobster, Big Jack Zelig (whose real name was either William Alberts or Harry Morris) shot and killed Italian gangster "Julie" Morrello, "whom the police," according to the New York Times, "call one of the most notorious gun and knife fighters on the east side."

Overall Condition:
- Excellent overall condition;
- Newer building with different style.

What is there:
-Sly Fox Bar;
-Ukrainian National Home : Ukrainian East Village Restaurant + Lys Mykyta Bar;
-Azaleas (clothing boutique);
-The Foundry Theatre.


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The Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation

image tillagd av NYU Tourism Maps


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