Dale Farm Trust

Dale Farm Trust

Ekologisk/lokal matEkologiskt jordbruk/permakultur


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Dale Farm offers a day service for adults with disabilities and support for adults with mental health needs. The service provides opportunities to learn life skills through the therapeutic use of horticulture within a beautiful setting on the banks on the River Dee with views across the North Wales Coast. The farm creates a working environment for people to participate in a variety of activities.

Our day to day activities include planting and growing organic fruit and vegetables in the fields and poly-tunnels. A farm shop is open to the public every weekday selling our own fruit, vegetables and award-winning honey produced by on site bee keeping, along with a small café.

The farm is also home to a national environmental award-winning recycling project that processes and composts ready-to-use manure. The products are sold and delivered to homes across the Wirral as garden compost. An innovative woodwork scheme has also seen a team of adults complete a decking project and make beautiful hand-crafted outdoor furniture and planters.

Over the last twelve months we have been working in the local community with the Heswall in Bloom Group. This group is made up of local businesses and members of the community working together to make Heswall a better place to live and visit. The group have been planting up the raised planters and creating flower beds in the grass verges and much more.

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