Nobleton Public Library

8 Sheardown Dr.

Nobleton Public Library

BibliotekAllmän platsViktig organisation/byråScenkonstSociala tjänsterWiFi PunktHembygdsgårdBarnvänlig plats


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The Nobleton Library opened its doors in the spring of 1968. The Nobleton Lion's Club built the original structure, on the King Road where the Fire Hall now stands, and local citizens donated the collection of books. The library was opened for five and a half hours each week and was staffed by fifteen volunteers.

In 1969, the libraries in King City, Nobleton, and Schomberg amalgamated to form King Township Public Libraries. In 1975, the building was renovated to add 400 square feet. The hours increased to twenty-three and a half per week and the staff consisted of four part-time adults and three student pages.

On September 9, 1987, the new Nobleton Public Library branch opened its doors at the present location, Sheardown Drive and Hwy. 27. The hours were expanded to thirty hours per week with a part-time staff of four adults and three student pages. The collection also grew with the addition of videos, talking books, a French collection, compact discs, toys, and large print books. The card catalogues were rendered obsolete when the library became automated in September 1988. In 1998 Nobleton went on-line to the Internet along with the other KTPL branches.

Today Nobleton Library is a hub that supports an underlying sense of community in King Township. The Library offers a variety of educational and cultural programs and services to residents of all ages. There are a wide variety of cultural events held at the Library, including movies, speakers, featured artists and writers. It also provides access to resources of all kinds, including books, archives, technology and the Internet, special software programs and technology.

Knowledgeable, friendly and helpful staff are what keep the libraries running and keep the loyal patrons coming back. They are well trained and help users to find the information they need and use it.

The Library's partners include: Museum, King Township Historical Society, King Township Archives, Horticultural Societies, Schomberg Agricultural Society, Chamber of Commerce, Arts Society King, Dufferin Marsh, Cold Creek Conservation, Schomberg Village Association, Senior Centre, Lloydtown Rebellion Association, and Lions Clubs. The Library also works closely with King Township schools and their students to provide students with access to information they may not be able to get at school.


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