Humann Elementary School

6720 Rockwood Lane

Humann Elementary School



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School Philosophy and Organization

The Humann Staff is committed to making school a good experience for our students. Students are our focus. We are organized in teams of teachers in order to facilitate success for every student every day. We also believe that all of us, big and small, bring different gifts to Humann. Everyone is special and contributes to our mutual growth and experience.

We work diligently to teach all students at their level of success; differentiating instruction so that all children are challenged and growing. This goal is possible to attain because of the diversity of individual talents and responsibilities on the staff. Children come with special talents and we teach to their strengths. Academic giftedness is recognized and these students are provided with growth opportunities appropriate to their learning styles. We are equally careful to teach and reteach skills that are difficult for students. Reading Recovery is an example of a special program that we provide to meet the need of a first grader who thrives with a systematic style of instruction. Humann includes students with special needs as full members of our school community. All students attend regular classes and make friends with their classmates.


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