Community Pharmacy

341 State Street

Community Pharmacy

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Our mission

We are a worker’s cooperative whose mission it is to promote health. We believe in expanding the definition of health to include a right to eat, a right to a home, a right to a humane workplace, a right to a clean environment, and a right to move through that environment without fear of violence or silencing. Our work supports efforts to attain and maintain these rights for all people by supporting access to information, and financially supporting and lending our name to causes that reflect our goals.

We strive to maintain a humane workplace and minimize our impact on the environment. We work to make our pharmacy accessible in the context of a multi-cultural, physically and economically diverse community. We support physical, political, sexual, and spiritual freedoms, with our focus on maintaining option and choice.

It is our goal to provide a wide range of information and products for health, including the full continuum of health care options and philosophies.

Community Pharmacy has been a resource for health information in the Madison community for over 30 years. Our staff has over a century of collective experience working with alternative and conventional medicines. We believe that, to be able to provide the most effective and individualized advice to our customers, we should constantly pursue current health information. Focusing both on medicinal innovations and on the movements of the industries behind them, we are able to offer a comprehensive view of today's health care options.

We believe in the integration of all systems of healing. Our staff believes wellness comes from taking care of the body inside and out. We work to offer a variety of alternative health products at reasonable prices. We try to provide body care products that are cruelty free, chemical free and herbal based. Our pharmacy is unique in the fact that we have dedicated ourselves to gathering information about healing and how to use these alternative methods to complement more mainstream approaches. Our pharmacists and staff members are committed to assisting folks in their search for health information. We believe that by providing information about alternative healing methods we can help our customers make the right decision regarding wellness for themselves, their family and their friends.

As we extend our resources to the greater Internet community, we hope to be able to provide you the same effective, useful, and personable information wherever you are!



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