Strictly Discs

1900 Monroe Street

Strictly Discs

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Sometime after the decline of the phonographic record and before the inevitable conclusion in which mankind will be fitted with a wireless connection attached to the frontline, the compact disc became the favored medium for the music-buying public.

Strictly Discs was launched in 1988, just in time for all the baby boomers making the jump from analog to digital. The first all-CD store in Madison, Strictly Discs made a choice to carry new, used and collectible compact discs. By the time the store moved into a location tucked between the UW-Madison and Edgewood campuses, it had solidified a reputation as one of the midwests best independent music retailers.

By the time the 21st Century rolled around, the store added new and used vinyl to its offerings, a retro move that anticipated the return of a sizeable record-buying audience. Throughout its history, Strictly Discs has displayed a knack for coming through with unsurpassed customer service, particularly in its ability to fulfill special order requests in under 24 hours. Blessed with a savvy staff whose knowledge may only be surpassed by their cumulative experience, insightful recommendations, along with seven custom listening stations displaying 500 recent releases for perusal, help ensure a satisfied clientele that has us going strong 20 years in the game.



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