Aloe Ridge Hotel and Game Reserve


Aloe Ridge Hotel and Game Reserve

Naturlig livsmiljö (habitat) Utsiktsplats/sevärdhetEkotourism


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Aloe Ridge Hotel is a hotel in a horseshoe shape that lies at the rim of a natural amphitheatre which falls away to the river and waterfalls. All indigenous bush veld.
The major attraction of Aloe Ridge Hotel is it’s unique scenic locality. Situated only 40km from the Johannesburg City Centre on 525 ha of African bush veld. At an altitude of 1500 feet lower than Johannesburg, the vegetation and climate are almost subtropical.
Enjoy excellent food at Hedwig’s Fine Dining Restaurant with a breathtaking view of the floodlit Zwartkop Mountain or dine with the stars at the Observatory Restaurant. Aloe Ridge Hotel’s confrence facilities are outstanding with 6 conference rooms that can accommodate between 10 and 100 people.
Aloe Ridge Game Reserve will provide you with a true African safari experience by discovering wildlife such as Giraffe, Eland, Zebra ect and bird life with over 230 species recorded.

073 104 0857


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