Cascade Locks Park Association

248 Ferndale St.

Cascade Locks Park Association

Park eller rekreationsplatsNaturlig livsmiljö (habitat) Grön kil/NaturkorridorerHistorisk plats


Cascade Lock Park
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The mission of the Cascade Locks Park Association (CLPA) is to preserve, protect and promote the industrial, commercial and cultural heritage of the Cascade Locks Park along locks 10-16 of the Ohio & Erie Canal.

The Cascade Locks Park Association is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization in Akron, Ohio incorporated in June of 1989 to achieve this mission. The organization was a key player in the designation of the regional Ohio & Erie National Heritage Canalway, a federally designated National Heritage Area that runs from Cleveland’s lakefront, through the Cuyahoga Valley National Park to Akron at the midpoint, and down to New Philadelphia, Ohio. The Canalway follows the route of the Ohio & Erie Canal and it now boasts sixty completed miles of a 108-mile towpath trail. The trail currently runs through a small section of the Cascade Locks Park. The remaining portion is currently under way and will provide the connection to downtown Akron.

Cascade Locks Park is being realized by a consortium of three entities: CLPA, the City of Akron and Metro Parks, Serving Summit County, under a contractual agreement to plan and develop the Cascade Locks Park. We build and maintain partnerships with other entities including the University of Akron, the National Park Service, local neighbors, nonprofit groups and businesses to realize our mission and revitalize Akron.


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