Cleveland Leadership Center

1422 Euclid Ave.
Suite 940
OH 44115

Cleveland Leadership Center



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Cleveland Leadership Center’s mission is to build a continuum of civic leaders committed to our community's excellence by serving as a catalyst for civic engagement. We achieve this mission by offering a variety of civic leadership programs and engagement opportunities designed to foster civic responsibility; create a culture of leadership that is inclusive, collaborative, and progressive; and make a dynamic impact on the community.

The Leadership Center is home to six outstanding, interconnected flagship programs that together make up a comprehensive, intergenerational leadership development curriculum. The programs target different leadership groups:

* Leadership Cleveland (established leaders)
* Civic Leadership Institute (intergenerational leaders; leaders at all levels)
* Cleveland Executive Fellowship (rising leaders)
* Cleveland Bridge Builders (rising leaders)
* (i)Cleveland (corporate internship programs and potential interns)
* Look Up To Cleveland (high school students)

Together, these six flagship programs provide a unique combination of leadership development, civic education, civic engagement, and networking opportunities for leaders at all levels.

Cleveland Leadership Center’s community-focused curriculum achieves the goal of expanding and improving our civic leadership base and encouraging civic responsibility by including the following foundational elements in each of our flagship programs:

* Teaching the community’s history and current environment as cornerstones of understanding what is possible in the future
* Enhancing regional competitiveness in a global economy
* Increasing the levels of active and responsible civic leadership in community issues
* Creating an inclusive leadership environment that demonstrates mutual respect and civility while accomplishing significant civic goals
* Building civic capacity that achieves meaningful results across a generation of leaders

We are committed to our community's excellence. Together, we can create a future for our community that is full of promise, opportunity, and positive change.


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