Glenwillow Green Infratructure Demonstration

29555 Pettibone Road
OH 44139

Glenwillow Green Infratructure Demonstration

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Project Number #10GLRI-CUY-082
Est. Project Completion October 31, 2010
SubGrantee Village of Glenwillow 29555 Pettibone Road Glenwill, Ohio 44139
Project Contact: Katherine Holmok, Village Landscape Architect Village of Glenwillow
Amount Recommended: $63,050
Project Title: Glenwillow Green Infrastructure Demonstration
Project Location: Village of Glenwillow, Cuyahoga County
Watershed: Tinker’s Creek

Project Summary: $63,050 in Surface Water Improvement Fund (SWIF) grant funding is recommended to install 1,000 square feet of vegetated bio-filtration islands in the parking lot of a village owned park as well as to restore .26 acres of riparian area immediately adjacent to Tinker’s Creek by installing stream bank live stake plantings designed to improve riparian habitat, stabilize the bank and reduce erosion and sediment loadings into Tinker’s Creek. This demonstration project will be a hands-on learning opportunity for park volunteers and members of village council, since both groups will be enlisted to assist with the plantings associated with the bio-filtration islands as part of a Bioswale Volunteer Field Day. Additionally, following completion of construction and planting, the village will install a permanent interpretive sign at each island. These panels will explain how the vegetated bioswales were installed as well as their value to improving water quality within the creek. This project is being implemented consistent with the recommendations in the state endorsed Tinker’s Creek Watershed Action Plan. It is also generally consistent with findings and recommendations within the Tinker’s Creek Total Maximum Daily Load study completed by Ohio EPA and approved by US EPA in 2003. Project Deliverables: Installation of 1,000 square feet of vegetated bio-filtration islands in parking areas within a village owned park that is immediately adjacent to Tinker’s Creek. These bio-filtration islands will be constructed by a contractor, however the planting of these practices will be conducted by park volunteers and members of village council as part of a Bioswales Volunteer Field Day.

Installation of vegetated live stake plantings on .26 acres of riparian areas immediately adjacent to Tinker’s Creek. Plantings will be designed to provide shade for the creek and to improve riparian habitat and stabilize currently eroding areas of the streambanks. Conduct education and outreach activities including the development and installation of interpretive signs at each of the bio-filtration islands, creation and distribution of a project-specific fact sheet, and the conduct of a Volunteer Field Day for park volunteers and members of village council.

Environmental Results: Successful completion of this project will reduce nonpoint source pollutant loadings to Tinkers Creek and restore .26 acres of riparian habitat.


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