Porthouse Theatre

1325 Theatre Drive

Porthouse Theatre



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Porthouse Theatre invites you to spend the summer with us. The premier summer theatre in the area, Porthouse Theatre offers audiences the finest in professional summer theatre, set in the beautiful Blossom Music Center. Our comfortable 500 seat, outdoor, covered, pavilion theatre is located next to the Cuyahoga Valley National Park in Cuyahoga Falls. Porthouse’s beautiful setting is the perfect place to enjoy a picnic dinner before the show. Experience professional, live theatre and a wonderful picnic, all in one beautiful setting.

Since 1968, Kent State University has participated with The Cleveland Orchestra in the development of Blossom Music Center as a total environment for the arts. In this incomparable outdoor setting, performance and education come together amidst working professional and talented young artists from across the nation. Each summer the Kent/Blossom arts festival programs, established within the University's College of the Arts, foster this special learning relationship in art, music, and theatre.

Porthouse Theatre provides a unique training opportunity for actors, designers, technicians, and managers, working in the context of a professional producing theatre. They work side by side with established professionals to refine their skills and talents. To contact Porthouse Theatre please call 330-672-3884 or email porthouse@kent.edu



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Courtesy of Tracy Lynn

image tillagd av rpiip


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