Univ. of Akron

302 Buchtel Common

Univ. of Akron

Grön skola


Ingen har röstat än

In October 2006, The University of Akron launched an intiative to lessen its impact on the environment. In addition, the initiative, called "Blue, Gold and Green," seeks to:

recommend ways to educate and remind faculty/staff/students about conservation issues on campus;
involve students and other constituencies in our conservation efforts;
increase recycling efforts;
study how we use energy and water resources; and
review the use of renewable technologies and resources.
With upward of 25,000 people on campus daily, the University is in effect a small city, with an environmental impact equally as great. The Blue, Gold and Green initiative is an acknowledgement by the University that it must play a leadership role in environmental efforts to satisfy its mission. The University is uniquely suited to lead, thanks to a number of highly qualified faculty members with expertise in the environmental sciences, a robust recycling effort already in place, energy-efficient new facilities as part of our New Landscape for Learning and a number of other established programs that are helping to minimize our impact on the environment. The Blue, Gold and Green initiative seeks to unify our current efforts and to encourage the exploration of additional steps that can be taken.

The purpose of this committee is to:

recommend ways to educate and remind faculty/staff/students about conservation issues on campus;
involve students and other constituencies in our conservation efforts;
increase recycling efforts;
study how we use energy and water resources; and
review the use of renewable technologies and resources.


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