JFK High School Urban Garden, Bronx, NYC

JFK High School Urban Garden, Bronx, NYC

Ekologiskt jordbruk/permakultur


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PROJECT SUMMARY: A botanical treasure trove hidden deep in a remote corner of the Bronx, it is located just south of 230th Street on Tibbett Avenue. The garden is in effect, the front yard for John F. Kennedy High School. A little smaller than an acre, this oasis serves thousands of people every year, whether they live in the community or attend Kennedy.

When you enter the gate to the garden, you enter a world apart. You can view our wetlands, which contains one of the few remnant cat tail stands left in NYC. You can gaze out on our pond, where you can observe frogs and fish.

Breathe in the aromatic air in our herb garden. Count the butterflies in our butterfly garden. You can walk among the dozens of trees in our forest on a hot summer day. Or perhaps pick a peach on Orchard Hill. This is the kind of garden where you can escape the city, and get lost in nature.

Kennedy students get to work with younger kids from local elementary schools on various planting projects. Students from other high schools as far as away as Russia have visited with us, and we have shared our ideas and cultures in the garden. The student run Environmental Club which manages the garden takes pride in the fact that this is a place they created, and have continuted to maintain to this very day (7 years counting!).

The garden serves as an outdoor classroom.

It has provided hundreds of Kennedy students with a basic education in Horticulture and other scientific activities. Teachers are encouraged to bring their students down to the garden for all sorts of activities, whether it is for a poetry writing exercise, yoga, or soil testing.

TECHNIQUES: Urban Farming, Orchard, Organic Gardening Education, Horticulture Education, Sustainability Education.

Go to http://www.thomania.org/gardensite/index.html for more information!

Many garden events are conducted in conjunction with JFK High School students and the JFK High School Environmental Club.


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