YM & YWHA of Washington Heights and Inwood

54 Nagle Ave.
New York
NY 10040

YM & YWHA of Washington Heights and Inwood



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One of the most active arms of the Y is the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Senior Center, funded by the NYC Department for the Aging. The center serves up to 200 hot kosher lunches six days a week, along with preparing meals-on-wheels for delivery to the homebound. Since March 2009, the Y has implemented and maintained several important energy efficiency upgrades within our facility as a result of our participation in the Jewish Greening Fellowship. In an effort to further reduce our carbon footprint, we plan to implement a comprehensive composting program with the goals of reducing solid waste output and providing nutrient rich soils for our existing roof garden and street level flower beds. The composting program will also serve an educational purpose, as we plan to integrate the science of composting into the curriculum of our Nursery School, After School, and Senior Center programs. Children and seniors at the Y have actively participated in the maintenance of our herb garden since its completion in 2010, and all Y members have benefited from learning how food wastes, cardboard and other scraps can be efficiently converted into new soil rather than being thrown away.

(212) 569-6200


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YM & YWHA of Washington Heights and Inwood

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