Jacob's Place

2342-2350 Webster Avenue

Jacob's Place

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Jacob’s Place is a sixty-three unit, eight-story rental building in the Fordham section of the Bronx that was dedicated earlier this month. Developed by Fordham Bedford Housing Corporation, a Bronx-based affordable housing developer, the project broke ground in August of 2005 and is named for Astin Jacobo, a resident of the Crotona neighborhood of the Bronx who was a long-standing advocate of affordable housing, recreational facilities, and community preservation. Jacob’s Place is completely set aside for residents who make no more than sixty percent of the local median income, and occupancy will be determined by a lottery system.

The project was constructed according to the Enterprise Green Communities Criteria and features a combination green/solar roof. The $90,000 roof installation was funded in cooperation by NYSERDA and BP’s Solar Neighbors Program, whereby BP donates a solar system to a low-income/affordable housing project every time a celebrity purchases a similar system. The sixty-four panel, 11 kW system at Jacob’s Place came from Owen Wilson, and will power elevators, ventilation, and common areas; it’s Solar Neighbors’ first such installation outside of California (where the program is based) and its first in a multi-unit residential building. Other green features at Jacob’s Place include bamboo apartment flooring, low-VOC paints and materials, energy-efficient elevators, and a graywater system.

The project cost $14.5 million, $5.6 million of which came from the federal low-income housing tax credit program. These credits were syndicated by Enterprise, which in turn obtained funding from various financial institutions. $4.2 million came from the city’s Housing Development Corporation, $2.7 million from the Department of Housing Preservation and Development, and $1 million from the Borough of the Bronx. The city donated the land and Fordham Bedford put up $330,000. The project team included Oaklander, Coogan and Vitto Architects and Bronx-based Galaxy Construction.

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