Restaurant Caravales

Rua da Matriz, 334

Restaurant Caravales

Ekologisk/lokal mat


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History of this Location

The owners of this restaurant, Rosali de Oliveria and Victorio Capalbo, are Brazilian and Italian. They have been open since 2003 and their business has become a very popular place for families and friends to dine. The name of the restaurant "Caravelas" describes the boats of the colonial period that would take the gold from the mountains of Brazil to Portugal. The interior of the restaurant is decorated in traditional Brazilian style. They have plans to expand the restaurant and have an outdoor grill featuring local music. This restaurant employs 5 locals.

Average Price: ~30 R

Languages: Portuguese, Italian, German, Spanish and English

Sustainable Features

Rosali and Victorio support the local community by purchasing food for the restaurant from regional producers. The menu demonstrates the history of Paraty in that it focuses on local products such as bananas, fish, and manioc. This restaurant recyles and composts. Even the menu of the restaurant is printed on recycled paper. All foods are natural and organic, with no preservatives. The local fish featured here are sororoca, vermelho, and cacao. They use energy saving bulbs, and fresh air. They also have a garden in the back of the restaurant.

Location Information
Rua da Matriz, 334 (Also called Marechal Santos Dias)
(24) 3371-7532


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Restaurant Caravales

tillagd av Rainforest Brazil



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