Eastern Coyotes


Eastern Coyotes

Fågel- och djurskådningNaturlig livsmiljö (habitat)


eastern coyote
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Coyotes in Quincy

Eastern coyotes live in 49 of the 50 U.S. states, Massachusetts included, and they live just about everywhere in those states. It’s not surprising then that eastern coyotes are found throughout Quincy. What may be surprising is that coyote packs are small (about four animals per pack), and their territory is large (usually about 10 sq. miles). That means that the coyote you see in the Hough’s Neck section of the city may very well be the same one you see in West Quincy or even Boston.

Eastern coyotes are larger than their western counterparts, and there appears to be a good reason for this. According to Jonathan Way, a wildlife researcher that studies eastern coyotes, the animal is actually a hybrid of coyote and wolf. Around the turn of the century in northern New England and southern Canada, eastern/red wolves, which used to inhabit this area, bred with coyotes. This hybrid animal is the animal we see today, and it is likely that in the near future we will call them “coywolves” rather than eastern coyotes. For more information, visit Way's website: www.easterncoyoteresearch.com


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See video

Jonathan Way on eastern coyotes in Quincy, MA

video tillagd av Quincy MA Green Map


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