Quincy City Hall

1305 Hancock Street
MA 02169

Quincy City Hall



Ingen har röstat än

Quincy (“quin-zee”), called the "City of Presidents" and "Birthplace of the American Dream," is the birthplace of the second and sixth U.S. Presidents, John Adams, and his son, John Quincy Adams.

Quincy City Hall, which consists of an original section built in 1844 with Quincy granite and a more recent addition, houses the Mayor, City Council, and other governmental bodies. The City of Quincy adopted a "Plan A" form of government, whereby a city government and legislative body are composed of the mayor and a city council, all being elected at large, or by and from all the voters of the city. This is commonly known as a "strong mayor-weak council" form of government. Under this form of government, Quincy is governed by the general provisions of a "Plan A" form of government. For more information on these general provisions, please visit the Massachusetts Website at: http://www.state.ma.us/legis/laws/mgl/gl%2D43%2Dtoc.htm

The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management provides a nice history and description of Quincy at http://www.mass.gov/czm/coastlines/2004-2005/ebbflow/quin_zee.htm

(617) 376-1000


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