Alliance to Conserve Old Richmond Neighborhoods

104 Shockoe Slip, Lower Level - Suite C
VA 23219

Alliance to Conserve Old Richmond Neighborhoods

ÅteranvändingAnsvarstagande företagViktig organisation/förening


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Incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in December 1998, the Alliance to Conserve Old Richmond Neighborhoods exists to serve the City of Richmond through the revitalization of its oldest neighborhoods. The Alliance achieves this by promoting — to individuals of all income levels — the purchase and renovation of vacant and abandoned properties and advocates for the preservation of the cultural and historic assets that give these old neighborhoods their unique character. To this end, the Alliance serves as a clearinghouse for information on how to acquire, finance, and/or renovate a property, which includes tax credit information. While primarily focused on neglected buildings, the Alliance also encourages new commercial and residential development consistent with the historic character of communitie

(804) 644-5040


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