The University of Texas at San Antonio - Downtown Campus

501 W Durango Blvd
San Antonio

The University of Texas at San Antonio - Downtown Campus

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The UTSA Downtown Campus opened its doors at Cypress Tower on Main Street in January 1994 while its permanent campus was under construction. Student enrollment was 909 during its first semester of operation at its temporary location. Today the Downtown Campus boasts over 6,400 students. In 1994, the Downtown Campus offered 51 courses. Today it offers over 650 courses. Credit hours have also continued to rise. In 1994, the Downtown Campus started with 3,345 credit hours. Today, the Downtown Campus has experienced a growth of over 35,900 credit hours.

The Downtown Campus is an integral part of UTSA, offering undergraduate and graduate degree programs for those who live, work, or prefer to attend school in the downtown area of San Antonio, Texas. UTSA Downtown is a full-service, public educational institution located in the heart of San Antonio at the intersection of Durango Boulevard and Frio Street. With four general academic buildings completed, this campus can accommodate up to 6,500 students in day, evening, or weekend classes. The Downtown Campus offers seventeen undergraduate and six graduate degree programs. During the summer of 2003, an annex to the Durango Building was completed to house UTSA's Institute for Economic Development. This program promotes economic development locally and throughout South Texas. In addition to the Institute, UTSA Downtown is home to the UTSA College of Architecture and the College of Public Policy.


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