100 34th Ave
San Francisco
CA 94121

Lincoln Park

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This is an extraordinary, very large combination of parkland and natural areas around dramatic coastal cliffs. This cliff area runs between the Cliff House and the Sea Cliff District and is perhaps the most beautiful intrepidly explorable area in the city. Dedicated to President Abraham Lincoln in 1909 this epic chunk of land includes about 100 acres of the northwestern corner of the San Francisco Peninsula. Lincoln Park is the Western Terminus of the Lincoln Highway, the first road across the United States of America. The land on which Lincoln Park stands was a cemetery in use in the late 1860s and possibly earlier. In 1902, golf enthusiasts laid out a three-hole course on part of the land. In 1909, the Board of Supervisors turned the land over to the Parks Commission, and cemetery relocation began. In 1923, the park was chosen as the site of the California Palace of the Legion of Honor. The San Francisco Holocaust Memorial, designed by George Segal, was dedicated in the park in 1984.


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