Don Peyo Restaurant

Lo Encalada 465

Don Peyo Restaurant

Ekologisk/lokal mat


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Don Peyo Restaurant is a traditional restaurant located in Nunoa, Santiago. Founded by Carlos Hahn in 1971 offers exclusively Chilean food. “Peyo” (without “Don”) was actually Mr. Hahn nickname and that was the name of the restaurant until 2006 when Olger Inostroza bought the restaurant an re-name it “Don Peyo” (“Don” is a respectful way to say Mr. in Spanish). The reason Mr. Inostroza changed the name was the fact that he worked as a waitress and later as a co-manager of the restaurant in the seventies (while he was studying at the university) becoming very close to Mr. Hahn to the point he was known as “Peyito” (Little Peyo).
In 2006 and after more than twenty years working in the north of Chile Mr. Inostroza came back to Santiago and bought the restaurant to his mentor Mr. Hahn (the restaurant was going through a difficult financial and management period) reinforcing the traditional Chilean style of the place. Today the restaurant is a must for locals and little by little more tourists are coming to this place founding themselves surrounded by a total Chilean experience. Located in the middle of a residential area an within a considerable distance from the main tourists areas, it is easy to access by Irarrazabal Subway station, with the 5 train.

Menu: Spanish only
Website: Spanish only
Reservations: Website or phone

Opening hours:

Mo-Tu: 12:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m
We-Th: 12:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m
Fr- Sa: 12:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m.
Su: 12:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

(56) 2 274 07 64


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Don Peyo

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