Botanical Society of the British Isles

c/o Countryside Council for Wales, South Wales Area, Unit 4 Castelton Court, Fortran Road

Botanical Society of the British Isles

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The Botanical Society of the British Isles is for everyone who is interested in the flora of Britain and Ireland. The society traces its origins back to 1836, when it was founded as the Botanical Society of London. From its earliest days it has welcomed both professional and amateur members, and it remains the biggest and most active organisation devoted to the study of botany in the British Isles.

The BSBI produces national Atlases and county Floras of the distribution of plants. It publishes the New Journal of Botany and holds conferences and field meetings. Members are kept informed by a newsletter three times a year and are invited to make use of our system of county recorders and national referees who can help with the identification of plants.

An education programme supported by the society aims brings high quality botanical training within the reach of all, from A Level students to professional development and postgraduate courses and qualifications. Scientific research on British botany is supported through grants awarded by the Science & Research Committee and through the work of the Plant Unit.


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