Cardiff Conservation Volunteers

Cardiff Conservation Volunteers



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Set up in 1978, our aim is to maintain the countryside and preserve the skills involved. The group is now some 120 strong with volunteers from all walks of life. We have travelled as far as Ireland, and have won the Prince of Wales Trust Award for designing the pond at Forest Farm.

Why do we do this?

There is probably no one reason why people join the group. Everyone gets something different from the effort they put in. For some, the social side of working together with like minded people is their reward. Others have said that they love the feeling that they have made a positive difference by improving aspects of the local countryside for all to enjoy. Many members enjoy keeping fit whilst enjoying the countryside around them. The practical skills learnt by all have actually lead some members to full time employment within a conservation role. What would you get out of it by joining us on a task? The only way to find out is to come along and discover for yourselves!

Our aims

Our primary aim is to promote the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment anywhere, whilst having an enjoyable time doing so.


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