Owain Glyndwr
10 St Johns Square
CF10 1GL

CF Hub



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CF Hub is a real-life social network of groups and individuals involved or just wanting to learn more about the sustainability movement in Cardiff. The aim is to provide a platform for individuals and groups to collaborate, connect, and share ideas. We believe that there are many exciting projects going on across Cardiff, and we want to have a space where they can come together. In addition, we have created this space to share information with those who are not currently involved in sustainability to easily access information about different groups and events.

Through our monthly Hub in the Pub meet-ups, the blog, and Cardiff Transition calendar and map, we are a resource to Cardiff and the individuals and groups who are working hard to make Cardiff a greener, healthier, more resilient community.

The meet-ups take place on the second Wednesday of every month, currently in the Owain Glyndwr pub in the city centre.



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CFHub Logo

image tillagd av owain elidir


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