Transtion Chepstow


Transtion Chepstow



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The age of cheap oil is drawing to a close and climate change already threatens. Transition Chepstow is a community initiative that is trying to find local solutions to these global problems.

Our aim is to help Chepstow and the surrounding villages to fight climate change and thrive by becoming more sustainable, less reliant on oil and a more sociable place to live.

The initiative is part of a rapidly growing network of ‘Transition’ communities across the UK, who are planning and designing ways to use less energy and resources to make their towns more resilient to the impact of climate change and more pleasurable places to live.

Transition Chepstow strives to be inclusive, imaginative, practical and fun. Collectively, we can enable Chepstow to become a more vibrant town that is better equipped to deal with the challenges that climate change and rising fuel costs will bring.

Want to get involved?

We welcome everyone in the community to take part in moving towards a more sustainable Chepstow. You don’t have to be an expert on climate change, if you want to find practical alternatives to a fossil fuel-led lifestyle, meet interesting people, learn new skills and strengthen our community, contact us via this website or join the Transition Chepstow Facebook Group.

Facebook Group


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image tillagd av CardiffTransition


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