Valleyfield Pit (Coalmine)

Valleyfield Pit (Coalmine)

Historisk plats


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Whole communities grew up around the coal mining industry, but today there is little evidence of mines and miners, apart from some memorials, reclaimed land and clubs. Work on Low Valleyfield Colliery commenced in 1908, with the engine houses built sinking commenced in 1909. "The coal field was enormous. In the early days of the sinking, part of the coal seams that were cut through were those worked in the 19th Century by the Earl of Dundonald and the Preston's of Valleyfield. Valleyfield coal was to prove one of the best caking and navigation coals in the country." A big tradegy struck in 1939, when following an explosion underground, 35 men were killed and 26 injured, two seriously. In the 1960's several neighbouring collieries closed and Valleyfield received an influx of manpower. Through a variety of factors the last mine cars were delivered up the Valleyfield pit in April 1968. Valleyfield lost its individual identity, becoming part of the Kinneil Valleyfield Colliery, operating from Kinneil across the River Forth, the two collieries having been joined by a tunnel.

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