Center for School-Community Collaboration

6 North Harrison St
VA 23284

Center for School-Community Collaboration

HembygdsgårdBarnvänlig plats


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The Center for School-Community Collaboration is located in the School of Education at Virginia Commonwealth University. Its mission is to prevent and reduce youth problems in Virginia by working with school and community leaders throughout the state. Initially, the Center provided training programs for school personnel, parents and community leaders that focused on the prevention of youth alcohol and other drug use. This training has expanded to include additional programs that address issues negatively impacting youth, schools, and communities: youth violence, gang activity, school crisis, bullying, truancy and school drop-out.

The guiding principle of the Center is that community-wide action based on collaboration and cooperation is essential to overcoming negative, destructive factors and to promoting healthy, resilient, productive youth. The Center’s training emphasizes community team efforts, and it provides follow-up technical assistance for parent, school and community groups. The Center is currently serving as grant manager for initiatives through the Governor's Office on Substance Abuse Prevention and the Virginia Department of Education.

(804) 828-1482


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Center for School-Community Collaboration

Center for School-Community Collaboration

image tillagd av alissa.akins



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