Siguldas Mazā Velnala / Sigulda Minor Devil's Cave

Siguldas Mazā Velnala / Sigulda Minor Devil's Cave



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10.2 metrus gara ala. Alu īpatnēju padara smilšakmens kolonna pie tās ieejas. Zem alas izplūst Gudrības avotiņš.
Piķenes kraujas vidusdaļā. Ap 0.5 km no Lielās Velnalas. Nogāzes pamatnē.

10.2 metres long cave. Made peculiar by sandstone column at the entrance. Wisdom spring flows out under the cave.
Middle part of Pikene precipice. Some 0.5 kilometres from the Big Devil's cave. Base of the valley.


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Gatis Pāvils

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