Stupeļu Lielais akmens / Stupeli Big Boulder

Stupeļu Lielais akmens / Stupeli Big Boulder



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Dižakmens, sena kulta vieta. Akmens tilpums - ap 35 kubikmetri, 6,7 metrus garš. Līdzās akmenim izrakumos atrastas 12. - 13. gs. senlietas.
Dienvidos no Viņaukas ezera, pie bijušajiem Kalnastupeļiem, Stupeļu pilskalna ziemeļrietumu pakājē.

Giant boulder, ancient cult site. Volume of buulder - approximately 35 cubic metres, length - 6,7 metres. Artefacts from 12th - 13th centuries found nearby.
South from Vinauka Lake, near the former Kalnastupeli, north-western foot of Stupeli Hillfort.


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Gatis Pāvils

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