About Farm Llanwern

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Food connects each and every one of us, so why don't we take food security more seriously. What can we do in our neighbourhoods to support our communities. Rootplanner project starts exploring these options and how to communicate with others about what we are thinking and doing in our project. We start by exploring hyper local spaces before pushing into the community for spaces that could be adapted or used instantly for food and biodiversity spaces. We develop observational and creative skills be seeing spaces that are forgotten understanding a sites challenges and discussing ways to overcome, work with or over time adapt to them and turn the challenge into an opportunity. We move on to developing the story of the project through film, picture, interview and share this with others through an iBook and a Map.

Number of sites: 23

Comments: 0

Team members: 5
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Hendre Farm Gardens Anónimo 07/10/2015 - 04:38
Stairway to Ringland Primary Anónimo 07/10/2015 - 05:03
Big Hill Farm Anónimo 07/10/2015 - 05:34
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