About Richmond Sustainability Map


The Richmond Sustainability Map was developed over four months in the spring of 2012 by the Earlham College Environmental Studies Senior Capstone course participants. The places and organizations included in this map were selected through research in the areas of public health, transportation, recycling/reuse, education, and environmental organizations and subsequent interviews with each location placed on the map. Our hope is that this map will be dynamic and an evolving resource for Richmond. Our intention is to map groups and organizations that promote sustainable living and the flourishing of present and future generations in Richmond by positively contributing to: mental, physical, and ecological health and equitable and meaningful economic activity. We envision the map as a source of pride in sustainability happenings in Richmond and open community input and feedback any time.

Number of sites: 81

Comments: 0

Team members: 1
Richmond Sustainability Map
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タイトル グリーンサイト名 Added by コメント
Miller Farm Anonymous 04/26/2012 - 17:34
The Greensfork Bakery Anonymous 04/26/2012 - 13:33
The Earlham Bike Co-op Anonymous 12/26/2013 - 12:13
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