
As a teenager living in the Utica area, I can attest to the fact that there is very little to do in this area. Utica is a large enough city that it is difficult to create a real sense of community, but also small enough that it is unable to provide many opportunities for youth. I see the Utica area as one with a great deal of potential. However, Utica's potential is being wasted, because of the cynical attitudes of many people towards the Utica area. Now, I am by no means saying that the Utica area is perfect. I will admit that I am often cynical about the opportunities that Utica could potentially offer. Thus I am making this map. I want my Green Map to provide a degree of inspiration to youth in the Utica area. I want to inform the youth in the Utica area about the things that make this community special. They need a reason to believe in the Utica area, because then they will be more likely to participate in helping sustain it. The total population of the area that my map will be focusing on (including Utica, Whitestown, Kirkland and New Hartford) is around 108,000. The population of Utica has decreased 3.3% since 2000. I am hoping that my Green Map will encourage those students who leave the area to attend college to return to find work in the Utica area. They need, however, to first be convinced that there is a reason to return. As a high school student, I am really hoping that this map will help to mobilize the youth in the Utica area. Although the adult population of Utica is trying to make the area more environmentally sustainable, there is a need for the fresh ideas provided by youth. I want to show the youth of Utica the positive aspects of our area in hopes to assure a bright future.

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Utica New York
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