About NYC Energy


Everyday New Yorkers are working together to address our energy needs and carbon footprint. As a continuous project, the NYC Energy Green Map features the latest green energy trends and sites in order to help generate sustainability throughout New York’s five boroughs!

This map includes sites gleaned from several different maps, including:

New – New York City received a wake up call with Hurricane Sandy striking on October 29, 2012. We charted the storm surge extent across the five boroughs to bring awareness of climate change and its affects on New York’s shorelines. Data was transferred from FEMA MOTF-Hurricane Sandy Impact Analysis (as of 11/9/12, this map is now offline, but here is the New York City's Sandy Inundation open data map, as of 11/20/18.

- Our 2006 energy-themed Powerful Green Map of NYC (downloadable at Map link on the right),

- Interactive Open Green Maps about LEED Buildings (charted by Brigid Keating) and our citywide views which are linked to Search on the right.

- Our intern, Aaron Miller collected several sites from the NYC Solar Map (nycsolarmap) created by New York City Solar America City Partnership which is led by Sustainable CUNY, and other sources. Find an overview here - be sure to review his research on energy maps made in New York State.

- Of course, PlaNYC 2030, Mayor Bloomberg's plan for a greater, greener New York is an important resource as is the USGBC / Urban Green NYC Green Codes task force report.

Our work isn’t over and we need your help! Pitch in and suggest new sites by clicking the tab over the map. Not near a computer… No Problem! When you discover a new site, use your mobile smartphone and add them at GreenMap.org. We'll review your suggestion and soon, your sites will appear on the map.

Each site starts with a small info window. Click the title and choose Comment to add your viewpoints, or Multimedia to add your own images, PDFs or videos. Thank you for enhancing existing sites!

We want to share this map with everyone! Visit our webpage at GreenMap.org/nyc-energy to find out how to embed it in your website or blog. Have another idea that would bring this important energy data to new audiences? Contact us at apple [at] greenmap.org.

Our thanks to Con Edison's Strategic Partnership program for supporting this initiative. Your involvement in NYC's energy will make a big difference to our future. Get involved today!


10 people discovered green places because of this map.

Number of sites: 656

Comments: 0

Team members: 7
Wendy at Green Map
NYC Green Apple Map
Intern at Green Map
Brigid Keating
Melanie Reed
Alex Purdy
Aaron Miller
Recent Comments

제목 Site Added by 댓글
Inwood Hill Park Nature Center Anonymous 06/30/2011 - 16:14
6B Community Garden Anonymous 07/15/2014 - 14:48
Union Square Greenmarket Anonymous 11/19/2012 - 15:47
Recent Videos

제목 Site Added By 정렬 - 아이콘
Precision Gear Inc. deer Anonymous 04/29/2012 - 19:15
The Great Hill Festivus 6.0- 7/12/08-Central Park Nicky 09/29/2009 - 09:32
Union Square Greenmarket Union Square Green Market NYC Green Apple Map 12/22/2008 - 17:40
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