About Montclair, NJ


The Montclair Green Team was founded to aid the township to become sustainable. Montclair is one of New Jersey's oldest towns and has gone through phases of culture and technology due to its 12 mile proximity to New York City. The history is rich and well maintained but as our culture changes, there is a need to be self sufficient. The Green Map highlights important features appreciated in the community and highlight the need for changes. As a progressive town, Montclair has already implemented new resources with the aptitude to influence our fellow neighbors.

Number of sites: 213

Comments: 0

Team members: 4
Montclair NJ
Kathy Smith
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Title Site Added by Comment
Slave House (369 Claremont Avenue) Anonymous 03/13/2015 - 14:14
Anderson Park Anonymous 01/29/2013 - 12:30
Van Vleck House & Gardens Anonymous 01/10/2013 - 11:56
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