About Northeast Permaculture and Eco/Urban Agriculture Map


Use this Open-Source platform:

* To share your Permaculture, Urban and Ecological Farm/Garden projects, experiments, and techniques with the entire Northeast Bio-region!

* As an unofficial, interactive scientific journal to share what you are doing so that other people can learn about it, offer advice or expertise, build off your ideas, and spread the knowledge.



Describe the site and the scale of production:

* Is it a roof-top garden, rural farm, urban farm, home-scale or large-scale permaculture site, sustainability education center, home garden, etc? Also, make sure to let people know if you are open to share skills and give tours of the site.

Please add a detailed description of what you are doing on your site, including the varieties of cultivated species, techniques/methods being used, and any experimentation that you may be engaged in, such as with:

new guild ideas (perennial guilds, annual veggie guilds), bio-char, mushroom cultivation, mushroom and vegetable/fruit/berry companion planting, urban farming (container gardening, roof-top gardening), apiaries in conjunction with gardens, ecological farming (biodynamic, bio-intensive, organic agriculture techniques, methods of biological pest control), permaculture food production (forest gardening, permaculture orchards), aquaponic systems, perennial vegetable farming, sustainable technologies, and more

Make sure to update your site description with progress updates and reports on your successes/failures so people can learn from them.

Feel free to post diagrams, pictures, and videos so people can get a better understanding of your project(s).



1 person discovered green places because of this map.

Number of sites: 68

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Team members: 6
NYC Green Apple Map
Northeast Permaculture
Melanie Reed
Alex Purdy
Aaron Miller
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